LXB | The League’s Ultimate Crossovers

Brian’s posted the rest of the League of Extraordinary Blogger’s responses about their ultimate movie crossovers and there are several that I’d pay big bucks to see on the big screen. The image above was created by Sideshow Cinema for an imaginary crossover that I cannot believe Dark Horse hasn’t yet done. Other ones I want to be real are:

  • Memories of Toymorrow‘s goofy, fun mash-up of famous movie and TV bachelors competing for the affection of the cat from the Pepe LePew cartoons. I just can’t decide if it’s the ultimate romantic comedy or the ultimate horror film.
  • Branded in the 80s created a sequel to ’80s movies that pitted kids against a sinister government: Wargames, Cloak and Dagger, and The Manhattan Project. In his version, the kids are grown and pulled into another plot in which they have to prevent World War III. (In his comments section, a reader talks about his idea for a Dukes of Hazzard/Knight Rider crossover that would also be awesome.)
  • Tupa’s Treasures has three cool ideas, but my favorite is combining the casts of the two Raiders of the Lost Ark TV knock offs: Tales of the Gold Monkey and Bring ‘Em Back Alive.
  • Speaking of Raiders, AEIOU and Sometimes Why would love to see Indiana Jones meet the Doctor. And so would I.
  • The Man Who Stares at Toys sold me on his idea for Wookiees and Klingons teaming up to fight Xenomorphs.
  • Dave Lowe wins at life by coming up with Indiana Jones’ exploring King Kong‘s Skull Island.

There are a lot of cool ideas out there though, so check out Cool and Collected for the whole list, including Tombstone meets Deadwood, and Batman vs Ace Ventura.

LXB | Zombie Apocalypse Buddies

Still trying to catch up to the rest of the League of Extraordinary Bloggers.

Which TV or movie hero do you want beside you when the zombie apocalypse arrives?

I hate zombies. I don’t want to hide from them. I don’t want to kill them. I don’t want anything to do with them. So this might be cheating, but my perfect companion for the zombie apocalypse is someone with a spaceship to get me the heck off Earth. And I can’t think of any spaceship I’d rather travel in than the Millenium Falcon or any crew I’d rather hang out with than Han and Chewie.

Besides, I bet blasters and bowcasters make great zombie killing weapons while we escape.

The rest of the League is way tougher than I am and chose to stay and fight it out with a wide range of capable pals from Charlton Heston in The Omega Man (Geek Chunks) to Wonder Woman (Siftin’). A couple of them got creative and picked people who know a lot about zombies (Team Hellions) or were just slower than they are (Freak Studios). “I don’t have to outrun the zombie; I just have to outrun you.” I have questions about the long-run sustainability of that strategy, but it’s funny.

My favorite of the League’s picks is Life With Fandom‘s selection of the Doctor. I still prefer Han and Chewie who would be all for selfishly running away, because of course the Doctor would want to stay and fix things as long as possible. But I can get behind the Doctor as long as he lets me hide out in the TARDIS and if things get really bad, a time machine makes an excellent escape route.

What about you? Fighter or runner? Who would you pick to help you survive?

31 Days of Frankenstein: Meets the Space Doctor

Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (1965)

Not really a Frankenstein movie at all, Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster is about a Martian invasion to capture Earth women to help repopulate the Red Planet. Thinking it’s a retaliatory missile, the Martians shoot down a space probe containing a human-looking android named Frank Saunders. Frank is severely damaged and goes on a rampage of Puerto Rico before ultimately facing the Martians’ radiation-scarred mutant-monster.

I’ve only tried to watch this thing once and failed to make it without a lot of fast-forwarding, but I don’t remember Frank’s even being called “Frankenstein” by another character in the movie. If he is, it’s just a nickname based on his first name, his monstrous appearance, and his terrorizing humans. If not, it’s an even lamer attempt to inappropriately use the name to steal some ticket sales. I do like Frank’s Two-Face look though. It’s an interesting, symbolic way to depict the man-monster.

Doctor Who: “Journey Into Terror” (1965)

“Journey Into Terror” is an episode in the longer, second season Doctor Who serial called The Chase. In that story, the Doctor and his companions are being pursued by Daleks who have developed their own time-travel device. As the Doctor tries to outrun the Daleks he stops in a variety of settings, including a haunted mansion inhabited by Dracula and the Frankenstein Monster. It’s later revealed that the place is actually a futuristic (1996!) theme park and that the monsters are just robots. The episode used the Universal version of the Monster, but clothed him in mummy-wrapping.

Amazon of the Week: Martha Jones

But first: some housekeeping.

If you missed having the Art Show post this week (or Pass the Comics or Quotes of the Week, for that matter), be sure to check out/subscribe to/follow the Adventureblog Annex where all that stuff is now. I know that starting Yet Another Blog is spreading myself pretty thin, so I’m going to pull back the content I  was putting into spin-off blogs Amazon Village and Dear Dairy. As fond as I am of the idea of them, I’ll probably end up killing them for no other reason than to keep things simple and efficient.

So here’s the plan. This blog will be much more about original content than it has been. Art, other people’s comics, and quotes are in the Annex. News links are on Twitter. Personal stuff (and weird YouTube videos) are on Facebook.

One of the things I tried at Amazon Village was to have an Amazon of the Week. I use the word Amazon loosely to describe any strong, independent woman, because frankly I can’t come up with a better term. Lisa Paitz Spindler calls them Danger Gals, which is awesome, but I’m not stealing her name. Anyway, I love these characters and have meant for years to start a feature spotlighting my favorites, so here we go. The first three weeks will be reposts from Amazon Village and then we’ll get into new ones.

Martha Jones probably won’t be the only companion of the Doctor to be featured here, but she gets to be first because she’s my favorite.

Yeah yeah, I’m as in love with Rose as anyone (other than folks who think it’s cool not to be in love with Rose, of course) and was heartbroken by how her story played out. But it’s Martha who really has my heart. First of all, I get the whole Unrequited Love Thing. I’ve been through that and it’s just as terrifying as the Eternally Separated From The One You Love Thing, if not more so. And not to make Rose or anyone else seem unheroic in comparison, but Martha’s a warrior for a) sticking in that situation for as long as she did and b) finding a way to continue sacrificing herself even once she’d pulled away from the Doctor.

More than any other Companion, Martha feels like she’s got a life worth following outside of Doctor Who. We should’ve gotten a spin-off with her instead of Torchwood.

The Awesome List: Keep your hands off my shower spoon!

Surviving in the Wild


Official Stationary of the Captain Marvel Club

I want to join the Captain Marvel Club. [Letterheady]

After the break: an Avengers cartoon, Catalog Living, and the coolest version of the Doctor Who theme you’ve ever heard.

Avengers cartoon trailer

This reminds me of Marvel’s ’90s cartoons in both good and bad ways. I’m totally watching it. [Topless Robot]

Doctor Who for guitar, cello, and didgeridoo

[Topless Robot]

Catalog Living

Ever look at one of those fancy mcschmancy home furnishings catalogs and think, “Who would actually decorate their house that way?” The Catalog Living blog answers that question in the most hilarious way possible.

Art Show: A City of Web-Foot People Built in a Watery World

Squid Attack!

By Lawrence Sterne Stevens. [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]

Up in the Sky!

By Al Feldstein. [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]

After the break: Wonder Woman, apes, lots of robots, and space girls on Venus.

Wonder Woman

By J Bone. [Lots of his other great WW designs in that link too.]


By Evan “Doc” Shaner.

The Human Robot!

By Evan “Doc” Shaner. [He’s done the rest of Atlas too!]

Robo Dawn!

By Francesco Francavilla.


By Ben Templesmith.

La Planete des Singes

By Jean Mascii. [Illustrateurs]

City on Venus

By Frank R Paul. [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]

Wide-Open Planet

By Leo Morey. [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]

Art Show: Quickly, Old Chum! To the TARDIS!

The Escape

By Lorenzo Etherington.


By Vincent Bocognani. [Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs]

After the break: The Lone Ranger, Black Canary, Frankenstein, a witch, Wonder Woman, a giant robot, and Batmannin’ the TARDIS.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto

By Otis Frampton.

Black Canary

By Rafael Albuquerque. [Pink of the Ink]

By Kathryn Marusik.

Frankenstained Glass

Artist Unknown. [Brother Cal]

Dark of the Moon

By Al Hirschfeld. [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]

Old School Wonder Woman

By Lauren Montgomery. [Pink of the Ink]

Checking on the Patient

By Jeremy Vanhoozer.

Spacetime’s Finest

By Dean Trippe.

TV News: Dinosaur shows, JJ Abrams spies, a post-Jedi cartoon, and more

Terra Nova cast

Steven Spielberg’s show about a time-traveling family in the age of dinosaurs may have its first cast member. Kyle Chandler (also known in our house as The Handsome Man) has been offered the lead role. As the dad perhaps?

I hope he takes it. Not only is he a favorite actor of mine, he’s got some experience running from dinosaurs in King Kong. [The Ausiello Files]

Reign of the Dinosaurs

A while back, /Film had some interesting evidence suggesting that Pixar might be working on a dinosaur movie. No such luck, unfortunately, but they are working on a Discovery Channel special called Reign of the Dinosaurs. The subject matter sounds fun, if not all that ground-breaking. The visuals should be really cool though. [/Film]

Animated Star Wars, Big Bang Blossom, and the family that spies together, after the break. 


I’m not sure how I feel about this, but NBC has picked up JJ Abrams’ new spy drama Undercovers. One the one hand, it’s a spy show and that’s a good thing. On the other hand, while I enjoyed Alias, it became apparent that the writers didn’t always know what they were doing or even where the show was going. And, unfortunately, that’s true of enough of Abrams’ other shows that it makes me cautious. He’s a fantastic idea man and I love his work, but he doesn’t always end his TV series as strongly as he began them.

This one’s about a married couple who used to be CIA agents, but retired when they fell in love. They’re pulled back into the spy-world when a former colleague is kidnapped and they have to help find him. They then realize of course how much they miss it and decide to get back in permanently.

I don’t know if you can relate to my nervousness, but that’s not an idea for a series. That’s an idea for a first act. How good the series is will depend on the villains and threats that our spies have to face each week, but the show’s synopsis makes it sound like it’s all about the romance and the chemistry between the two leads. You can’t make a show about romance and chemistry. A good show ought to have those things, but it’s also got to have a story.

I’m not saying that Undercovers won’t. In fact, it’s JJ Abrams, so I’m 100% sure that there will be a story and that I’ll love it – at least for a while. There’s just no indication of it in the official synopsis, so it’s hard to get excited about.

What’s easier to be excited about though is some of the casting. Martha Jones’ sister from Doctor Who is one half of the couple and Gerald McRaney (Simon and Simon, Jericho) will play their CIA boss.  [The Ausiello Files]

Big Daddy vs Batman

I’m often on the fence about Nicholas Cage, but this video reminds me why I do like him so much of the time. It’s him vs Adam Freaking West in a Batman trivia contest.


Animated Star Wars

First of all, don’t get excited by that image. It may be an official licensed product, but as far as I know it’s not from a real show – in development or otherwise.

But it is likely that we’ll be seeing an animated Han Solo of some style in the not too distant future. /Film reports from LucasFilm’s C2E2 presentation that a fan asked Director of Fan Relations Steve Sansweet about the possibility of post-Jedi adventures with Luke, Leia, and Han. Sansweet’s response was that there will be “in the new animation.”

/Film (based on information from IGN) takes that to refer to the animated Star Wars sitcom being developed by Robot Chicken‘s creators. I suppose that’s possible, but this report makes that sound much less certain. I didn’t attend that panel, but from what I can tell there doesn’t seem to be any reason that Sansweet couldn’t have been referring to the cartoon based on the Star Wars: Galactic Heroes toys. From the rumors I’m hearing, that show may follow an anthology format and cover a wide variety of Star Wars eras, so why not post-Jedi?

Blossom on Big Bang Theory

To tell you about her character would be to spoil some stuff, so I won’t. But Michael Ausiello will, so head over there if you want the skinny.

TV News: Meet Jim Rockford

Grey’s Anatomy SPOILER

No, that’s not Jim Rockford. Keep reading for that news.

What the heck’s a Grey’s Anatomy spoiler doing at the top of this list? Well, it’s also a spoiler for Shonda Rhimes’ new, tropical-island medical drama Off the Map and if it’s set on a tropical island, I’ll cover it. At least until I discover whether or not it sucks.

At any rate, the romance between Ben the anesthesiologist (played by the awesome Jason George above) and the even awesomer Bailey will be short-lived. George is moving to Off the Map to play a different character. The odds of Off the Map‘s sucking just got a lot longer. [The Ausiello Files]

A dinosaur pilot, your new Nikita and Rockford, and the best way ever to get detention after the break.

Terra Nova

Steven Spielberg’s producing a potential TV show about a family from the future that takes its time machine to prehistory and gets stranded there. Actually, the details are more vague than that (particularly about how the family goes back in time), so I may be filling in with some wishful thinking. I also doubt they’ll armor up a bunch of dinosaurs and use them to fight each other, but we can hope. [Variety]

Batman: The Brave and the Bold video game

I knew that buying David that Nintendo DS for Christmas was the right thing to do. [Robot 6]

New Avengers cartoon

Speaking of awesome superhero cartoons, Disney’s got a new one coming. At least, it looks awesome. Heck, if it’s half as entertaining as The Super Hero Squad Show it’ll be in the Top Five Superhero Cartoons of All Time. [Robot 6]

Maggie Q is Nikita

More of a sequel than a remake, the CW’s Nikita will star Maggie Q as an agent who’s recruited to replace the original Femme. [Double O Section]

Meet Jim Rockford

We were wondering who could play him in the comments to another post. Now we know. It’s Dirty Steve. I never would have thought of that, but I think that could work quite nicely. [The Ausiello Files]

Save the date (unless you’ve got a TARDIS)

The fifth season of Doctor Who will air on BBC America on April 17th. [Topless Robot]

Office Detention

I think that may be more of a Win though. [Failblog]