Quotes of the Week: In Which Wonder Woman Becomes a Professional Stripper

Photo by Mayka Mei.

Once a week, some combination of Dan DiDio, Rich Johnston and John Hodgman would try to expose the figurehead for what he is, always to be outfoxed by [DC Entertainment President Diane] Nelson and the [quirkily handsome] actor, who in turn develop a simmering sexual tension that erupts in season three in a special Angouleme episode.
Tom Spurgeon, simultaneously describing what I wish would’ve happened when DC announced its new Publisher and creating a TV show that I would watch every week.

He doesn’t realize it would mostly result in stories where Wonder Woman becomes a professional stripper, beats the shit out of some ponies, then retires to bed in a shoebox with Ken lying perfectly still on top of her.
Shaenon Garrity, on why writing a Wonder Woman comic around a nine-year-old girl’s playtime would be a bad idea.

His writing won a bunch of distinguished awards last year. By day, he works at Whole Foods cutting up pineapple samples. Somehow, this made INTERN feel terribly excited about the world, because she realized that geniuses are lurking everywhere, that there is indeed a kind of Secret Society of geniuses working at everyday jobs, and they are all too friendly and humble to mention that their work was recently featured in the New Yorker when you ask them in which aisle to find the quinoa, but if you look very carefully at their eyes you can sometimes tell…
–The mysterious INTERN, in a wonderful story about meeting one of her favorite, young authors.

Art Show: Walking Dynamite!


By Franklin Booth [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]


By Abrams [Never Sea Land]

Tales of Three Planets

By Rog G Krenkel [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]

The Human Bomb

By Dan and Sy Barry. There’s a whole story that goes with it at Pappy’s Golden Age Comics Blogzine.

The Spectacular Super-Girls

Artist unknown. Peter Parker’s classmates from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon dressed as DC heroes though? Love it. [Brother Calvin]


By Danielle Corsetto. [Comic Art Fans]

Black Canary and Huntress

By Steve Bryant again.

Iron Man and Friends

By Mike Maihack.

Alternate Jabba

By Richard Whitters.

Art Show: Fluffy, Surly, No Tail

I’ve gotten way behind on sharing cool art, so this week I’m catching up some with a series of smaller Art Shows.


Don’t worry, Diver-Man! That shark’s just coming to help you with the octopus. Heh heh heh.

Artist unknown. [Admiral Calvin]


Artist unknown. [Never Sea Land]

Black Canary and Wonder Woman

By my pal Steve Bryant.

Los Agentes de Atlas lucha contra los Vengadores

By Humberto Ramos.

Space Quint

By Jessica Hickman.

Elsewhere on the Internets…

Here’s what else I’ve been up to online lately…

Amazon Princess

Wonder Woman slots, the art of Greg Horn, and panties.

What Are You Reading?

A few words about the great start to Greg Rucka and Matthew Southworth’s new detective series.

Gorillas Riding Dinosaurs

January’s pile of adventure comics will include Bigfoot vs. cowboy cannibals, a talking cat detective, funny animal Frankenstein, an Elvis impersonator, vampire reporters, Victorian escape artists, robots vs. dinosaurs, a WWII pilot in medieval armor, a haunted house, a kid in a cow costume, a burnt and half-mechanical Pinocchio, and a samurai rodent. Gonna be a good month.

The ABCs of Awesome

Since finishing that huge music meme, there’s a hole in my Sunday blogging. Not sure what I’ll eventually fill it with, but for today, I’ve totally gacked this idea from Cal.


Barbarians (fighting Apes)




Frankenstein’s Monster

Giant Things

Head Kicks


Jungle Queens

Keira Knightley

Lost Civilizations






Ray Guns

Space Girls (with Ray Guns)


Underwater Cities


Wonder Woman

X-Ray Vision



Elsewhere on the Internets…

Here’s what else I’ve been up to online lately…

Five for Friday

I didn’t participate in last weekend’s Five for Friday, which was about Halloween costumes (a topic I suck at), but the weekend before that we were instructed to Name Five Comic Characters You’d Want As Your Friend. I thought that was particularly sweet.

Mine were:

1. Flash Gordon
2. Wonder Woman
3. Abe Sapien
4. Steve Rogers
5. Alfred Pennyworth

Amazon Princess

I had a couple of posts on the Wonder Woman blog. One shared the above drawing by Cownt artist Jessica Hickman; the other was about a Wonder Woman Jack O’Lantern.

Plump Sister

I finally updated the Christmas Carol blog again after unintentionally taking Halloween (all two months of it) off. This post is about the opening of Albert Finney in Scrooge. I should be able to stay on track with it now that Christmas is already in the air.

David’s Dinosaur Blog

My seven-year-old son has decided to start a blog and I couldn’t be more proud. It’s a dinosaur blog and it’s awesome. I’ve added it to my sidebar under Online Writing, but my involvement ends at suggesting topics and taking David’s dictation of his thoughts about those topics. I’m giving him first shot on dinosaur (and dinosaur-related) material from here out, but he has final say on all content for his blog. Anything he doesn’t want to talk about will get re-routed back here. I hope you’ll check it out.

Gorillas Riding Dinosaurs

As I say at the beginning of my review of Hunter’s Fortune #1, “It’s comics like that this that are the exact reason I started this column.”

Seriously, this is a fantastic start to what promises to be an unbelievably cool new series. The only reason you should not read it is if you absolutely, positively cannot stand awesome comics.

Elsewhere on the Internets…

Here’s what else I’ve been up to this past week:

Five for Friday

Last week’s assignment at The Comics Reporter was to Name Your Five Favorite Characters that Work in the Media.

Mine were:

1. Brenda Starr
2. Billy Batson
3. Lois Lane
4. Vicky Vale
5. April O’Neil

How I forgot about J. Jonah Jameson when I was creating that list is a mystery.

Amazon Princess

Jeff Smith Meets Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman Day 2009
Wonder Woman Amazonia Costume

Gorillas Riding Dinosaurs

Robot 13 #2 features everyone’s favorite skull-headed robot fighting a phoenix!

Elsewhere on the Internets…

Here’s what else I’ve been up to online lately.

Five for Friday

Last Friday’s assignment was to Name Five Of Your Favorite Hats Or Other Pieces Of Headgear Worn By a Comic Character. My answers were:

1. Bill the Cat’s Billy and the Boinger’s wig
2. Dr. Midnight’s mask
3. Kroenen’s mask (Hellboy)
4. Dr. Doom’s mask
5. The Baroness’ glasses (GI Joe)

What Are You Reading?

In Robot 6’s weekly feature, I talked about first impressions of Al Williamson’s Flash Gordan and Agents of Atlas.

Amazon Princess

I don’t typically link to my posts on the Wonder Woman blog, but I can’t tell you why that is. Recently it’s been about Wonder Woman Reeboks, Wonder Woman Shelf Porn, and Katie Cook.

Horror Is…

Over at Alex Ness’ poplitiko blog, I joined Alex, Mike Carey, Joe Monks, and Anne Freakin’ Rice in trying to define what horror is.

Gorillas Riding Dinosaurs

This week’s column covers three convention comics: The Cowl, Super Maxi-Pad Girl, and The Visible Rooster Jack.

And Now the News: DC Entertainment

Thanks to an unusually busy weekend, I’m a bit behind on the news from last week, but like the week before there’s one story that really needs a post of its own before I can play catch-up on the rest. DC Comics is now DC Entertainment.

When I first filed that link for future reference, I wrote a note with it: “DC responds to Disney-Marvel.” But as Spurgeon pointed out, that’s not really the case at all, “because Time Warner doesn’t work that way and nobody works that quickly.” And besides, “these exact moves or their rough equivalent have been rumored for some time.”

Kevin created a fantastic summary of “what we know so far” for Robot 6, so that’s where you should go if you’re interested. The short version seems to be that Paul Levitz’ former job as President and Publisher of DC Comics is being divided into two positions. Diane Nelson (famous for shepherding the Harry Potter movies at Warner Brothers) will fill the Presidential role and assist in getting movies and TV shows made from DC’s characters. A new Publisher will be announced later. Levitz will return to editing and writing.

As part of getting movie deals under control, Warner/DC has apparently pulled back on a couple of developing projects like the Wonder Woman movie that’s been in the works for so long. It feels like a step backwards, but I’m hopeful that it’s a temporary set-back that’ll get everything in order so that work can move ahead quickly and soon. That’s where most of my interest in this story is focused.

Art Show: Until the Jedi show up


By Frank Brangwyn. [Golden Age Comic Book Stories]

Wonder Woman vs. Octopus

By Brian Bolland. [Poulpe Pulps]

Fight to the DEATH!

By Evan “Doc” Shaner. [EDITED TO ADD: And Jay Fosgitt. I’m totally embarrassed that I missed that. Shame on me.]

Argosy Knight

By L. A. Shafer. [The FictionMags Index]

Black Canary

By Dan Brereton. [Comic Art Community]


Except for the ’90s leg pouches, I really dig this new design by Lee Garbett. Enough that I think I’d like to check out at least the first collection of the new Batgirl series. Even with the Liefeld pouch, it’s tons better than the last version. Looks like Batgirl again.

And here’s cover artist Phil Noto’s version:

But just in case you still prefer it Old School:

By Mike Maihack.

Doritos Asylum

Anthony Ventura did a fantastic cut-out diorama display for Doritos. The above piece is just a small part of it. Click the link to see the whole, beautiful thing. Then, if you like Anthony’s work, check out this short story he and I did together about a beautiful woman, a mad doctor, and some cybernetic little people.

Dark Centuri

By John Spencer. [American Pulps and Magazines]

Padme at Geonosis

By Otis Frampton. I have some big, big problems with the Star Wars sequels, but Padme circa Attack of the Clones is not one of them. I love the arena scene (until the Jedi show up) and this piece captures exactly why that is.